Transfer Pricing Documentation

TP India offers clients / customers in providing most qualitative and intelligent online Transfer Pricing Documentation work, based on the inputs given by the clients. Further, suitable tax advise and consulting on fixation of Arm’s Length Price and adoption of most appropriate method will also be suggested. This documentation differs from industry to industry and company to company, but on the Transfer Pricing Laws and Concepts. We will provide similar functional comparables from the public data bases both locally and globally, after comparing the FAR Analysis (FAR : functional, Assets and Risk Analysis), basing on economic and market conditions. This TP study includes the contemporaneous data analysis and research from the public data bases also, while analyzing the correct and similar functional comparables.

How to prepare transfer pricing study / documentation:

The following are the various steps / stages while preparing the TP study:

Brief business profile of the tesed party and the A.Es.
Identification and analysis of transactions
Planning and budgeting
Industry and market analysis
Functional, Assets & Risks analysis
Selection and characterization of entities
Economic Analysis
Selection of most appropriate method
Application of most appropriate method
Data Analysis and Market Research
Final list of comparable companies

T P India Services
Mobile: +91 - 09701560975
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